What do a multi-million fifth generation fighter jet and an SF-260 light training aircraft have in common?
Here's the F-22, a fifth generation fighter jet: And here's the SF-260EA…
Operation Unified Protector (was Odyssey Dawn) explained (Day 105 – 137)
Previous debriefings: Archive Latest update: on Aug. 3, at 10.40LT, a missile…
Interactive PSYOPS in Libya: the Canadian live benign propaganda messages prompt the listener to reply to the broadcaster
Until Jul. 29, 2011, only two types of PSYchological OPerationS (PSYOPS) had…
Operation Unified Protector (was Odyssey Dawn) explained (Day 81 – 104)
Previous debriefings: Archive With the air campaign in Libya in progress for…
Italy is ready to use the new Predator B (MQ-9 Reaper) drones in Libya to improve NATO ISR capabilities
On Jun. 28, 2011, the ItAF officially presented its first two of…
Typhoon display: High Alpha Roll and High-G turns from inside the cockpit
I created the following image (using Photoshop) stitching 5 pictures of the…