Starex 2010 – part 2
More pictures taken at "XMannu" (X is the Roman numeral for 10th or 10°, in Italian "Decimo", so XMannu is a short form for Decimomannu) on May 11, 2010, by…
Banner target release
The following sequence of images taken by Giovanni Maduli, shows "Bullet", an MB.339A assigned to the RSSTA (Reparto Sperimentale e di Standardizzazione del Tiro Aereo), releasing a banner target over…
Sarzana Luni airport
The following images were taken by Matteo Marianeschi during a recent visit in Luni Sarzana, airport where the 1° Nucleo Aereo, 1° Sezione Volo Elicotteri of the Guardia Costiera (CP,…
Red Flag 10-2 through the lenses of Alberto Riva
Alberto Riva ( is a journalist and photographer based in New York City. He's a member of the International Society for Aviation Photography and reader of this weblog. Along with…
Starex 2010 – part 1
From May 3 to May 13, 2010, Decimomannu airbase, in Sardinia, home of the AWTI (Air Weapons Training Installation) hosted the STAREX 2010 exercise. About 50 aircraft attended the operations…
MB.339CD kill markings
The following pictures, taken by Giovanni Maduli at Decimomannu airbase during Starex exercise have made the news and caused sensation. In fact, the kill markings on the two MB.339CDs of…