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Boeing KC-767A delay and the compromised Italian air-to-air refueling capabilities
On Apr. 3, 2008, the last of 4 B.707TT of the Aeronautica…
Italian F-104 versions explained
Following the requests I received from aircraft enthusiasts and modelers, I've decided…
154° Gruppo operations in Bosnia – the Red Devils in Operation Deliberate Force
Giuseppe Scaglione is a former navigator of the 154° Gruppo of the…
Cervia 08.04.09 – the last days of activity with the F-16 for the 23° Gruppo
With the imminent end of the Peace Caesar programme, scheduled for 2010,…
MM62012 current status
The "I-2012", a DC9-32 of the 31° Stormo of the Aeronautica Militare…
Italian UAVs update
With the completition of the fifth mission, the Sky-Y, Alenia Aeronautica’s unmanned…