[Updated] VFA-106 F-18D crashes into apartments at Virginia Beach. Loud bang heard before the crash. Symptom of compressor stall. In the left engine.
An F-18D Hornet, belonging to the VFA-106 "Gladiators" crashed on Apr. 6,…
Boeing P-8A next generation anti-submarine warfare and maritime patrol aircraft introduced. While test flights (that you can track on the Internet) continue
On Mar. 28, US Navy VP-30 at NAS Jacksonville took formally delivery…
Photo: U.S. Marine Corps Aggressor plane in a cool Soviet-Tiger color scheme.
Wearing the special paint scheme that celebrates the 25th Anniversary of the…
U.S. aircraft carriers face Iranian stealth subs in the Persian Gulf. And remote controlled ones too…
Although the U.S. Navy has just rescued sailors of an Iranian boat…
"F-35C unable to land aboard aircraft carriers" report says. U.S. Navy and Royal Navy have something to be worried about.
As highlighted by an interesting article published on F-16.net, among all the…
Wings over Atlanta: the Dobbins Air Reserve Base airshow
In the last few weeks readers of this blog have had the…