Tag: F-16

Zeltweg Air Power 2009

On Jun. 26 and 27, Matteo Marianeschi attended the Zeltweg Air Power…

12° Gruppo F-2000s deployed to Trapani

The mini-airshow held in Trapani on Jun. 8, 2009 to celebrate the…

Green Lightning colour scheme detail

Courtesy of the Old Crow team (visit their site: http://www.oldcrow.it), here are the…

Special patches

For the event held in Trapani on Jun. 8 (to read more…

Trapani – 08.06.09 – “Cheero” and “Masa” achieve 1000 hours on the F-16 – part 2

Here's the second selection of pictures taken during at Trapani on June…

Trapani – 08.06.09 – "Cheero" and "Masa" achieve 1000 hours on the F-16 – part 1

On Jun. 8, the 37° Stormo of the Aeronautica Militare (Italian Air…