Italian Air Force


Dal sito dell’Aeronautica Militare: Lunedì 5 novembre, presso l’aeroporto militare di Trapani, sede del 37° Stormo dell’Aeronautica Militare, alle ore 14.50 circa, un velivolo caccia F-16, in fase di atterraggio è entrato in collisione con […]


Flight Simulator(s)

An interesting easter egg was discovered in the last weeks by a student that found that by depressing CNTRL+ALT+A on the keyboard when using Google Earth, he was given access to an embedded flight simulator (once you have used the flight simulator […]


F-16 immelmann after takeoff

On the ItalianVipers forum there was an interesting discussion following a video found on Youtube showing a flight of 3 F-16s of the 23rd Gruppo, performing an Immelmann after take-off from Cervia. I suggest you reading the discussion here: […]