Exclusive pictures: three US Army CH-47Ds arrive in Rome Urbe airport
Most probably involved in the G8 that will take place in L'Aquila from Jul. 8 to Jul. 10, three US Army CH-47D (serialled 89-0141, 89-0143 and 89-0163) made a fuel…
Discrete Jury: the 4° Stormo obtains the Quick Response Force certification
The 4° Stormo of the Aeronautica Militare (Italian Air Force, ItAF), based in Grosseto, was the first Eurofighter unit to obtain the NATO Quick Response Force certification after results that…
On board the Cavour aircraft carrier (again)
A few months after reporting from on board the Cavour during a port visit in Civitavecchia for the Armed Forces Day celebrations (for more information and technical details about the…
211th Sqn CZAF 2009 calendar
Last year I praised Delta Airlines for its enjoyable in-flight safety video that showedcased the beautiful Katherine Lee. The video not only was eye-cathing (some passengers do not pay enough…
12° Gruppo F-2000s deployed to Trapani
The mini-airshow held in Trapani on Jun. 8, 2009 to celebrate the first 1.000 flight hours of Maj. Salvatore Ferrara and Maj. Maurizio De Angelis (to read more about the…
Images from Istrana airbase, home of the 51° Stormo
On May 21, 2009, Matteo Marianeschi visited Istrana airbase to take some pictures of the daily activities performed by the local based 132° and 103° Gruppo both belonging to the…