How a new patch is designed and created
For the "Con la Diana sul petto" event, held in Cervia, on Apr. 16, 2010, Andrea Spagna (an amateur designer & collector with +4.000 examples) designed the patch that was…
Festa Esercito 06.05.10 – Tor di Quinto
On May 6, 2010, the Esercito Italiano (EI, Italian Army) celebrated its 149th Anniversary at Rome with a ceremony at Tor di Quinto (TdQ) military hippodrome. For the ceremony, that…
Dutch Apaches deployed to Frosinone
As usual, even in April 2010, 4 Dutch AH-64s of the 301 Sqn of the KLu (Koninklijke Luchtmacht), the Royal Netherlands Air Force, deployed to Frosinone airbase, home of the…
Cervia, 16-17.04.10 – Con la Diana sul Petto – Part 2
Second part with the pictures taken at Cervia on Apr. 16, 2010. Part 1 available here. As pictures show, the weather was poor. The G.91Y sporting the colours and markings…
MB.339CDs in Decimomannu
Currently deployed to Decimomannu are the MB.339CDs belonging to the 212° Gruppo of the 61° Stormo of the Aeronautica Militare (Italian Air Force, ItAF). Giovanni Maduli went there and took…
Cervia, 16-17.04.10 – Con la Diana sul Petto
"Con la Diana sul Petto" is the name of the event that the 5° Stormo organised in Cervia airbase to give farewell to the F-16. The locally-based 23° Gruppo is…