Latest Troubled Areas News
HD Video of a Syrian MiG-23 attacking Darayya with unguided 500-kg thermobaric bomb
Brought to my attention by Matt Fanning on The Aviationist FB page,…
Iran has captured another U.S. spy drone. Once again with minimal damage.
One year after a U.S. stealthy RQ-170 Sentinel drone was captured near…
Video shows first direct hit of a Surface to Air Missile on a Syrian helicopter
The following video clearly shows a Syrian Mil Mi-17 Hip helicopter hit…
Chinese TV airs first stunning footage of J-15 flight ops on board China’s aircraft carrier Liaoning
Although it's still decades away from achieving a combat capability comparable to…
Inside the Pterodactyl UAS: sneak preview of China’s Predator clone mobile ground control station
Among the highlights of the recent Zhuhai Airshow, taking place from Nov.…
Netherlands and Germany ready to deploy Patriot missiles to defend Turkish border with Syria
NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen tweeted on Monday Nov. 19 that NATO…