Latest Troubled Areas News
Eritrea: an important Intel gathering place for both Iran and Israel
The small East African nation of Eritrea is hosting two middle Eastern…
Amid fears of Syrian missile attack, NATO prepares to deploy E-3 “flying radar stations” to Turkey
Along with several Patriot missiles batteries, about to be stationed along the…
Syrian Scud missile launch caught on tape
Filmed with a mobile phone (oriented vertically), the following amateur footage shows…
Japan scrambles eight F-15s to intercept Chinese plane that intruded disputed islands airspace
Up to eight F-15 jets were scramble by the JASDF (Japan Air…
Syrian chopper drops incendiary cluster bombs on rebels
As Assad loads chemicals into weapons, new footage (sent to me by…
North Korea to launch rocket, the U.S. move guided missile destroyers to monitor
Saturday Dec. 1, saw North Korea announce that it was going to…