Latest Troubled Areas News
There were seven French tankers in flight last night. Exercise or real operation?
Many French C-135s flying at the same time recently. One of our…
Russian spyplane and U.S. MQ-9 ER Reaper sharing the same airspace over Syria
The skies over northwest Syria are still much crowded. The following video…
Syrian Su-22 Fitter shot down by rebels over Aleppo
A Su-22 Fitter was shot down by the Syrian opposition earlier today.…
Here are the first images of the U.S. Air Force F-15s providing air policing duties in Iceland
The Eagles have arrived in Iceland. Beginning on Apr. 1, 12 F-15C…
First footage of Russian Air Force Ka-52s in combat in Syria emerges
The Russian "Hokum-B" helicopters provide close support to the Syrian Army. Although…
Watch an AC-130W Gunship refuel over Iraq and then disappear into the night
The best part is when the gunship disappears into the night. The…