Latest Military Aviation News
The M-346 flying with a "weird device" at the base of the canopy
The following photograph was taken by Roberto Zanda last week. It shows…
Exclusive: What nobody else will tell you about the U.S. F-22 stealth fighters deployed near Iran
Update May 2, 2012 16.05 GMT The news that multiple F-22 stealth…
Video: This is how fuel supplies are air-dropped by C-17s in Afghanistan. And sometimes get wasted.
The following video shows how fuel (and many other things) are usually…
This memo (and a couple of 5.56 mm rounds) killed Osama Bin Laden
Even if the main U.S. media outlets have already published it, I…
These are the Iranian "Navy SEALs". Really.
Update Apr. 27, 2012 21.55 GMT Looks like the user who uploaded…
Bring on some bandits! Combat pilots to fight against computer generated aggressors. During actual training flights.
Even if WVR (Within Visual Range) contests made famous by Top Gun…