[Photo] French Tigre attack helicopter supports armored column in Mali flying at ultra low level

Published on: February 13, 2013 at 10:37 PM

The following image shows a French Army Tigre helicopter supporting an armored column on its way to Tessalit, the northernmost location reached so far by the French troops involved in Operation Serval.

The attack chopper supports the convoy in proximity and at ultra-low level, ready to engage any suspect vehicle along the route.

Tigre helicopter

Image credit: ECPAD / EMA

Tessalit in northern Mali was taken in the morning of Feb. 08, by the French paratroopers that seized the runway for the arrival of a C-160 Transall airlifter that carried special forces.

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David Cenciotti is a journalist based in Rome, Italy. He is the Founder and Editor of “The Aviationist”, one of the world’s most famous and read military aviation blogs. Since 1996, he has written for major worldwide magazines, including Air Forces Monthly, Combat Aircraft, and many others, covering aviation, defense, war, industry, intelligence, crime and cyberwar. He has reported from the U.S., Europe, Australia and Syria, and flown several combat planes with different air forces. He is a former 2nd Lt. of the Italian Air Force, a private pilot and a graduate in Computer Engineering. He has written five books and contributed to many more ones.
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