Museo Piana delle Orme
Piana delle Orme, located near Borgo Faiti some 90 kilometers to the South of Rome, is a historical park where visitors can find a heterogeneous and interesting collection that includes…
The Anzio Beachhead Museum – Il Museo dello Sbarco di Anzio
Some weeks ago I had the opportunity to visit the Anzio Beachhead museum. Opened in January 1994, in the 50th Anniversary of the Allied landings, the Anzio Beachhead Museum is…
Decimomannu panoramic postcard
Click on the image to open a high-resolution version of this picture taken at Decimomannu by Giovanni Maduli during the 50th Anniversary of the AWTI that will provide a lot…
AWTI 50th Anniversary – Decimomannu
On Sept. 25, Decimomannu airbase in Sardinia, Italy, hosted the 50th Anniversary of the AWTI (Air Weapons Training Installation) that was established the NATO partnership of Italy, Germany, Great Britain…
Close encounters….not so close
A nice picture, made by Giovanni Maduli, during the approach phase at Cagliari-Elmas airport with the Garibaldi aircraft carrier sailing below towards Cagliari harbour.
Beware of some old flight and navigation instruments!
This post is addressed to the many visitors of this site who repair, restore or simply collect old instruments like altimeters, turn and slip indicator, compasses, etc. However, former pilots…