An interesting visitor in Ciampino
The following pictures were taken by Andrea El Dabh (whose site can be visited at the link at around 17.00LT on May 5, 2010 while he was boarding a…
How a new patch is designed and created
For the "Con la Diana sul petto" event, held in Cervia, on Apr. 16, 2010, Andrea Spagna (an amateur designer & collector with +4.000 examples) designed the patch that was…
Festa Esercito 06.05.10 – Tor di Quinto
On May 6, 2010, the Esercito Italiano (EI, Italian Army) celebrated its 149th Anniversary at Rome with a ceremony at Tor di Quinto (TdQ) military hippodrome. For the ceremony, that…
Dutch Apaches deployed to Frosinone
As usual, even in April 2010, 4 Dutch AH-64s of the 301 Sqn of the KLu (Koninklijke Luchtmacht), the Royal Netherlands Air Force, deployed to Frosinone airbase, home of the…
Cervia, 16-17.04.10 – Con la Diana sul Petto – Part 2
Second part with the pictures taken at Cervia on Apr. 16, 2010. Part 1 available here. As pictures show, the weather was poor. The G.91Y sporting the colours and markings…
MB.339CDs in Decimomannu
Currently deployed to Decimomannu are the MB.339CDs belonging to the 212° Gruppo of the 61° Stormo of the Aeronautica Militare (Italian Air Force, ItAF). Giovanni Maduli went there and took…