Another Iceland's volcano starts a new eruption: why is volcanic ash so dangerous for civil and military planes?
Airplanes have to avoid any airspace “polluted” by volcanic ash because ash can wreck the function of propeller or jet aircraft. Being extremely fine, the volcanic dust can easily invade…
New Boeing KC-767 makes its combat debut in Libya
As I've already written many times on my Unified Protector (previously Odyssey Dawn) "column" on this blog (and on Twitter too...), under a military/technological point of view the war in…
Stealth Black Hawk crash landing in Abbottabad could be (alarmingly) similar to a tail strike episode occurred to 160th SOAR in Iraq
Take a look at the following screenshots taken from a Youtube video taken with a helmet-mounted camera by US Special Forces (Delta Force's A Sqn) rescuing Italian and Polish contractors…
ItAF contributes to the "Bomb factory detection by Networks of Advanced Sensors" project to counter homemade IEDs
With the ItAF formally accepting into service the first two KC-767A tankers (that were delivered on Dec. 29, 2010 and Mar. 10, 2011), it went almost unnoticed the news that…
The Stealth Chinook involved in the Osama Bin Laden raid and why the Stealth Black Hawk crashed in Abbottabad
An interesting article published yesterday by the Associated Press and commented by Wired/Danger Room, provided some interesting details about the Osama Bin Laden raid. Indeed, anonymous government sources have told…
Italian PSYOPS mission over Libya
On May 17, 2011, an Italian Air Force C-130J, departed in the morning from Pisa airbase, dropped about 400.000 leaflets over Tripoli, Libya. As reported by ANSA news agency, leaflets…