"F-35C unable to land aboard aircraft carriers" report says. U.S. Navy and Royal Navy have something to be worried about.
As highlighted by an interesting article published on F-16.net, among all the other flaws listed in the JSF Concurrency Quick Look Review dated 29 November 2011 (an official document recently…
A Sukhoi Su-27. At Creech Air Force Base, Nevada.
Update, Jan. 11 13.00 GMT Look at the following image Lazygranch.com has found on Imageshack.us. Taken by Ethan Miller/Getty Images on Apr. 16, 2009, the photograph depicts an MQ-1B Predator…
F-35 targeted in potential military cuts. If Italy quits, will the stealth plane ever be affordable?
With a new set of austerity measures aimed at saving up to $25 billion to balance the budget by 2013 (and avoid a catastrophic default that would put the entire…
Never seen before pictures: Iran’s (blue-colored) Sayyad-2 anti-aircraft missile exposed
Since a U.S. RQ-170 Sentinel drone was captured in Iran on Dec. 4, 2011, I've been a frequent visitor of Iranian news agencies, State TV and newspapers websites. This semi-official…
Once in a while a genuine video from Iran: Iranian Air Force F-5 nose-gear-up landing
In the last few weeks, beginning with the saga of the captured US stealthy RQ-170 drone and ending with the crisis in the Strait of Hormuz, with the alleged video…
Landing a Rafale an aircraft carrier. At night. A video shows why a night trap is the scariest and most demanding kind of flying.
Ever wondered how's landing a jet on an aircraft carrier at night? This French Navy Rafale's HUD (Head Up Display) video gives a hint. Barely visible at the beginning of…