Latest Troubled Areas News
Syrian rebels shot down another Mig-21 fighter jet
The following video, emerged on Sept. 4, shows the remains of a…
Syria: this is what being fired upon by an L-39 jet looks like
The following video shows in impressive detail the strafing pass of a…
Exposed: First Syrian rebels DIY unmanned aerial vehicle (that may never be able to fly…)
The following video shows what is believed to be the first Free…
Fake video of Syrian L-39 forced to crash raises questions about rebel claims
Even if other readers had already pointed out to me that the…
Video: Syrian L-39 combat trainer (probably hit by rebel's anti-aircraft fire) crashes into the ground
Once again brought to my attention by the forum, this video…
Video: Assad's gunship helicopter shot down by rebel forces in Damascus, Syria
A Mil Mi-8 Hip gunship helicopter, being extensively used by the loyalist…