Latest Troubled Areas News
A Cyber attack by Syrian Electronic Army may be Assad’s most dangerous reaction to U.S. air strikes
Considered the current status of the Syrian military, whose capabilities have been…
Russia’s Emergencies Ministry’s evacuation plane just made a quick stop in Syria
Russia is evacuating nationals from Syria in anticipation of a U.S. strike…
Photo shows U.S. E-4B doomsday plane on the ground at Incirlik, Turkey
Everybody know E-4Bs are extremely important. In the event of a war,…
Wanna know if a strike on Syria is about to take place? Look for this large white plane
Whereas some media outlets are trying to find signs of an imminent…
Extremely rare video shows Gaddafi’s Air Force aerial refueling trials (and failures) in the mid 1990s
The following footage shows Mirage F1ADs and Mig-23s refueling from Il-76T and…
Should the US get involved in Syria it will be a cruise missiles and stealth bombers-only air war
Forget F-15E Strike Eagles and F/A-18E Super Hornets carrying PGMs (Precision Guided…