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Close call at Reagan National: Radar Replay and Air Traffic Control Audio
On Aug. 2, three commuter jets operated by US Airways were involved…
Farnborough 2012 photo: Boeing 787 Dreamliner shows its amazing maneuverability
One of the highlights of Farnborough International Airshow 2012 was the new…
Farnborough 2012: Exclusive Images: Ground Power Unit takes fire near Boeing 787. Firefighting vehicles dispatched.
At around 17.15 local time a GPU (Ground Power Unit) took fire…
Farnborough 2012 photo: Airbus 380 amazing steep takeoff
On the first day of Farnborough 2012, the Airbus 380 proved to…
Farnborough 2012 Photo: Malaysia Airlines Airbus 380 impressive flying display among the clouds
Here are some pictures of the Airbus 380 in Malaysia Airlines colour…
Don't worry, this weird plane with 5 engines, is just a flying test bed for a quite innovative FOD resistant engine
The following pictures show the Pratt & Whitney's Boeing 747SP flying test…