“Air Force’s CV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft accident report is a total distortion of the facts” top aviation expert says.
The Air Force Special Operations Command has released the results of the…
Photo: Harrier night flight operations aboard a forward-deployed amphibious assault ship
Taken on Aug. 29, the following pictures show night flight operations on…
Photo: F-35 Completes first airborne weapons separation
Traveling at 400 knots at an altitude of 4,200 ft, F-35 BF-3,…
First MV-22 Osprey tilt rotor aircraft arrive in Japan
The top picture is particularly interesting as it shows a still "packaged"…
Farnborough 2012: Boeing MV-22B tiltrotor aircraft attracts spectators as Marines claim "human factor" caused Osprey crash in Morocco
Although its flight display is far from being exciting (at least if…
These photographs of the Shadow 200 drone being launched and recovered at night by U.S. Army paratroopers in Afghanistan are simply stunning
The following images show the Shadow 200 unmanned aerial vehicle launched and…