Australian EA-18G Growler Jet Damaged in Incident at Nellis Air Force Base

Aircraft Photographed with Smoke from End of Runway. Crew Reported as Uninjured.…

Epic selfie catches moment EA-18G Growler pilot fires an AGM-88 HARM missile

Flight Lieutenant Todd ‘Woody' Woodford, an Australian officer assigned to VAQ-135, launches…

All the aircraft types involved in the MH370 air search in one photo

Search by air for the missing Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 has been…

Royal Australian Air Force bids farewell to the C-130H with spectacular flypasts across the Red Continent

Nov. 19 saw the Royal Australian Air Force celebrate 34 years service…

V8 Supercar drivers experience extreme G-force dogfighting against each other in F/A-18 Hornet jets

Australian readers of The Aviationist pointed out the following interesting video, showing…

Boeing 747 mock-up used for Special Forces counter-terrorism training in Western Australia

The ambitious al-Qaida's affiliate in Yemen's "underwear bomb plot" to destroy a U.S.-bound…