Focus On The Tornado IDS With RecceLite II Pod Flying ISR Missions In Support Of Operation Inherent Resolve
The Tornado IDS aircraft of the Italian Air Force are tasked with…
First HH-139B Helicopter Delivered To The Italian Air Force
The new HH-139B helicopter is part of a second batch of HH-139s…
Secretive EC-27J JEDI EW Aircraft Supporting War On Daesh Breaks Cover On The Italian Air Force 2021 Calendar
The EC-27J JEDI made the January page of the 2021 calendar of the…
Check Out These New Photos Of The Italian F-35A and B Flying Together In “Beast Mode” For The First Time
The Italian Air Force has released more details about the first mission…
Italian Air Force F-35A and F-35B Fly In “Beast Mode” For The Very First Time
The Italian Air Force, the only Armed Force operating both the F-35A…
Italian Air Force NH-500Es With Floats Carry Out Training Activity On Lake Bracciano
The NH-500E helicopters equipped with floats carried out the peculiar training activity…