This awesome video shows several U-2 crash landings (proving how difficult landing a Dragon Lady may be)
The U-2 Dragon Lady is probably one the most difficult plane to…
Photo: U.S. Air Force plane prepares for take off under giant double rainbow on Dec. 21 “Doomsday”
Taken on the day of the alleged Mayan Apocalypse Dec. 21, 2012,…
More about Camaro chase cars for the U-2 spyplanes
An article written by W.J. Hennigan for the LA Times, provides some new…
U-2 touch and go as seen from the most original point of view ever….
We have already seen several U-2 videos. Among those showing the aircraft…
Video: Chasing a U-2 spyplane doing a touch and go in a Chevrolet Camaro SS
Chase cars are a safety measure used to give pilots assistance during…
Video: U-2 Dragon Lady flying the visual pattern as seen from the cockpit
Ever wondered what flying in the visual pattern at Beale Air Force…