F-104 MM6930 Special Colour: 999 or 9-99?
On Sep. 19, 2003, the 10th Gruppo Caccia, held an official ceremony at Grazzanise airbase to unveil an F-104S/ASA-M painted in a celebrative colour scheme. It was the very first…
Another restored F-104 leaving Grazzanise
During the visit at Grazzanise on Oct. 22nd, I took this picture depicting a restored F-104S/ASA-M ready to leave apron in front of the GEA (former Centro Manutenzione), for an…
Mil Mi 26's display at Rome Urbe
A Mil Mi 26T heavy transport helicopter (NATO code name "Halo"), the largest helicopter ever produced, made a firefighting display on Nov. 14th at Rome Urbe airport. Arrived from Greece…
New F-104 restoration project discovered
On October 22nd I visited Grazzanise to fly with the AB.212ICOs of the locally based 21st Gruppo. I spotted in the former 10th Gruppo apron a new F-104 that is being…
Dal sito dell'Aeronautica Militare: Lunedì 5 novembre, presso l’aeroporto militare di Trapani, sede del 37° Stormo dell’Aeronautica Militare, alle ore 14.50 circa, un velivolo caccia F-16, in fase di atterraggio…
November 4th: the Frecce Tricolori flying over Rome
I have just received from Giovanni Maduli the following pictures depicting the Frecce Tricolory display team during the fly by above Rome for the Armed Forces Day. You will notice…