BA038, engine problems and WiFi/mobile phone interferences: is the B777 safe?
Recently, a visitor left a comment to one of my posts dealing with the B777, actually it was a question. He was worried about the crash landing of the British…
Voli spaziali low cost
Alzi la mano chi non ha almeno una volta alzato gli occhi al cielo per contemplare un il firmamento, per osservare un'eclissi o cercare una stella cadente. Alcuni (ed io…
AMX and F-15 grounded (with some differences)
For the second time in the last 6 years, the Italian AMX fleet has been grounded by a judge for an investigation. This time the magistrate decided to stop the…
Was the B.777 FADEC deceived like the ADC of the F-16 that crashed in September?
Another accident, involving a USAFE F-16CG of the 31st FW may have something in common with the near accident of the British Airways 038 at London Heathrow last week. As…
BA038 crash pictures
Three high resolution pictures of the British Airways B.777 crash landing at London Heathrow airport on Jan. 17th were published in the last days around the Internet. Those images were…
BA038 crash landing caused by a software glitch?
Even if the investigation from the AAIB is still in progress and the preliminary report is expected to be released in about one month, new theories are emerging about the…