Vipers, Growlers, Prowlers, Eagles and Hogs: U.S. combat planes at Aviano airbase during Libya air war. With heart background.
Although the U.S. involvement in Libya was scaled down few days after NATO took control over the air campaign on Mar. 31, 2011, American tactical aircraft ("tacair") played an important…
Iranian space program update: rats, turtles and worms already launched. Manned spacecraft expected in 2019.
Sea, Air and Space: Iran is quite active these days. Local media have been reporting that Tehran has launched a new satellite on Feb. 5, to celebrate the 33rd anniversary…
North Korea developing its own UCAV. Based on U.S. drone.
There are reports coming out of South Korean media that North Korea is developing UCAVs (Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles). However rather than develop them from scratch they have purchased an…
Some (rusty) Iranian MiG-29s on display at Tabriz airbase in new images released by IRNA news agency
IRNA (Islamic Republic News Agency) has just released some quite interesting pictures of an exhibition of IRIAF planes and equipment that took place at Tabriz, in northwest of Iran. Among…
New Nellis Aggressors F-15’s "splinter" color scheme inspired by Sukhoi Su-35S (and PAK-FA) camouflage
After publishing the first images of the F-15C 78-0509/WA-09 of the 65th AGRS (Aggressor Squadron) in a “splinter” camouflage at Red Flag 12-2, many have asked what country's color scheme…
Nellis Aggressors' F-15 in new "splinter" color scheme at Red Flag 12-2
The following pictures, taken by The Aviationist's contributor Tony Lovelock at Nellis AFB, Nevada, during the recent Red Flag 12-2 exercise, show the F-15C 78-0509/WA-09 of the 65th AGRS (Aggressor…