The F-104 boneyard
Here are a couple of screenshots taken from Google Earth, showing the apron of the Centro Manutenzione (Maintenance Center) at Grazzanise, where a lot of retired F-104 rest waiting for restoration.…
Flying the TF-104G-M Starfighter
“Mix 153, Grosseto Tower, line up and wait runway 03”. It is Nov. 27, 2000, I’m strapped in the backseat of the TF-104G-M MM54554 “4-48” of the 20th Gruppo (Squadron)…
Hydrazine emergency
Italian version available here Hydrazine is a colorless liquid (for more info click here) that feeds the electrical systems and the EPU (Emergency Power Unit) in case of engine failure.…
The "break"
This is not a composite picture showing the same aircraft during a turn. It is a photo taken in 2004 at Grazzanise airbase and depicting the first section of the Frecce Tricolori…
Axalp 2006 report (in English)
In the age of Google Earth and satellite pictures freely available on the Internet, hiding military installations or denying their existence is at least anachronistic. "Confusing and camouflaging", favoring the…
Condensation clouds & bang supersonici
Spesso chi guarda le foto che ho scattato ad Axalp mi chiede se le nuvole di condensazione che circondano i velivoli in manovra siano la manifestazione del "bang sonico" o di…