Once in a while a genuine video from Iran: Iranian Air Force F-5 nose-gear-up landing
In the last few weeks, beginning with the saga of the captured US stealthy RQ-170 drone and ending with the crisis in the Strait of Hormuz, with the alleged video…
Landing a Rafale an aircraft carrier. At night. A video shows why a night trap is the scariest and most demanding kind of flying.
Ever wondered how's landing a jet on an aircraft carrier at night? This French Navy Rafale's HUD (Head Up Display) video gives a hint. Barely visible at the beginning of…
U.S. Fifth Fleet vs Iran Navy update: American supercarrier monitored with…binoculars.
Here's an update to my previous post titled "U.S. supercarrier detected by an Iranian spyplane near the Strait of Hormuz”. Trivial as that could be the last thing that plane…
"U.S. supercarrier detected by an Iranian spyplane near the Strait of Hormuz". Trivial as that could be the last thing that plane will ever detect.
According to the news reported by the Iranian news agency IRNA, an Iranian warplane involved in the Velayat-90 exercise has identified a U.S. flattop near the Strait of Hormuz. “This…
Top military aviation stories of 2011: drones up and downs, stealth projects exposed and Libya’s 7-month-long war.
Update, Dec. 28 21.35 GMT A quick look at the main events and news I've covered on this blog during 2011 helped me to identify the topics that can be…
Iran's new (amateur) surveillance drone unveiled
Updated Dec. 27 10.00 GMT Since Dec. 4, I've been constantly monitoring Iranian media for pictures, news releases or statements about the U.S. RQ-170 Sentinel drone captured by Iran. Even…