The taking of Tessalit airfield in Mali: air assault as seen from the camera of a Harfang drone
Early in the morning of Feb. 08, the French special forces parachuted into Tessalit, located about 30 miles from the Algerian border, in northern Mali. Tessalit represents the northernmost location…
French Air War in Mali: some stunning air-to-air pictures
In Mali, French are not only fighting. They are also doing stunning pictures. The following ones, taken from a C-135FR tanker, show a Mirage F1CR armed with four MK82 and…
Wargames in the Negev: Italian combat planes train with the Israeli Air Force. Again.
The news was kept confidential until the Israeli Air Force released some interesting details on its website but the Italian Air Force has just finished its third annual deployment in…
NASA’s WB-57F BACN “flying gateway” once again heading to Afghanistan
At the end of last year, we reported about the return of a NASA WB-57 Canberra from operations in Afghanistan, where the civil-registered plane act as Battlefield Airborne Communications Node…
Iran releases decoded footage from captured U.S stealthy RQ-170 drone
Iran has just released footage that proves it has, if not literally decoded, at least accessed some of the data stored inside the U.S. stealthy RQ-170 drone captured in December…
[Photo Gallery] A B-52 Stratofortress bomber on a Red Flag mission over Las Vegas
The following pictures were taken at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, on Jan. 31, 2013. They show a B-52H Stratofortress assigned to the 20th Bomb Squadron, from Barksdale Air Force…