Aerobatic team mid-air collision as seen from inside the formation
On Mar. 11, 1988 two MB.326 of the Royal Australian Air Force's Roulettes display team collided mid-air during a practice flight over East Sale airbase, Victoria, Australia, for the Canberra…
Laser weapon destroys rocket target in three seconds: here’s the future of anti-missile defense systems
The following video shows the Lockheed Martin Area Defense Anti-munitions (ADAM) laser weapon system at work. On Dec. 10, 2012, the ADAM prototype successfully destroyed a rocket target flying on…
Tornado Role Demo display as seen from inside the cockpit
Uploaded by the crew themselves after numerous requests, the following video shows the full display of the RAF's Tornado Demo Role. Filmed during the RAF Leuchars Airshow on Sept 15.…
Eritrea: an important Intel gathering place for both Iran and Israel
The small East African nation of Eritrea is hosting two middle Eastern rivals in the form of Iran and Israel. Iran is wanting to expand its influence in the Red…
Photo: Iraqi Air Force C-130J planes at Prestwick on their way to the Gulf
Taken by The Aviationist's Tony Lovelock on Dec. 15 the following pictures depict the three Iraqi Air Force C-130Js during the stopover at Prestwick airport, near Glasgow, UK, on their…
Amid fears of Syrian missile attack, NATO prepares to deploy E-3 “flying radar stations” to Turkey
Along with several Patriot missiles batteries, about to be stationed along the border with Syria as part of a NATO force to protect Turkey from a potential ballistic missile attack…