Latest Troubled Areas News
[Artwork] B-2 Spirit stealth bomber nuclear attack on North Korea
This artwork was prepared by Al Clark. It shows, in quite a realistic…
U.S. Air Force says B-1s were not deployed to Guam. So, where did five big bombers go last night?
It looks like the B-1Bs strategic bombers heard last week by milair…
How the U.S. Navy and Air Force will Watch North Korea’s Next Missile Launch
As tensions continue to rise on the Korean Peninsula, the U.S. Navy…
[Updated] U.S. amassing B-1 strategic bombers near North Korea
Read here the update published on Apr. 06 at 23.05 GMT It…
Pentagon deploys anti-ballistic missile defense system to Guam while North Korea announces nuclear attack on U.S.
Wednesday Apr. 3 saw the Pentagon announce that the U.S. is to…
This is what an (unlikely) Air War in North Korea would look like
Although defended by an obsolete Air Force made of ex-Soviet fighters and…