Latest Troubled Areas News
With U.S. airstrikes in progress airspace over Iraq has been closed to civilian flights
One of the busiest commercial routes went over Iraq. Until it was…
[Photo] Aboard USS George H.W. Bush: the aircraft carrier that launched first airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq
These are some action shots from the only photographer to have been…
Israeli Hermes drone over Gaza with dorsal satellite antenna
A new image coming from Gaza shows an Israeli Hermes UAV (Unmanned…
Ukrainian MiG-29 Fulcrum evacuated from Crimea, back to operational status
Ukrainian Air Force combat planes stored in the peninsula were redeployed to…
Ukrainian Soviet-era mini-space shuttle shaped drone captured by pro-Russia separatists
An interesting reconnaissance drone was captured, almost intact, by the pro-Russia separatists…
“U.S. spyplane violated Swedish airspace to escape interception by Russian jets”
A U.S. RC-135 Rivet Joint violated the Swedish airspace recently in an…