Latest Troubled Areas News
More U.S. F-16s have just deployed to Poland amid Ukraine crisis
Six Aviano F-16s have deployed to Lask, in Poland, for an "exercise"…
No Panic: Airliners went missing in Libya pose little threat of 9/11 attack
Even though it's not impossible, it would be at least difficult to…
Video shows Libyan MiG-21 Fishbed jet crashing into downtown Tobruk
Free Libya Air Force Mig-21 crashed into city blocks at Tobruk, in…
ISIS surveillance drone is only an amateurish remote-controlled quad-copter
Drones used by ISIS militants are remotely-controlled products you can buy online…
[Video] Flying at treetop altitude with a Russian Mach 3 MiG-25 Foxbat interceptor
Awesome video of the MiG-25 Foxbat flying at very high speed and…
Iraqi Army receives Mil Mi-28NE gunship helicopters it will use against ISIS militants
The Iraqi Army Aviation has been delivered Mil Mi-28NE gunships. According to…