Check out this cool new video of the Russia’s supermaneuverable Sukhoi Su-35S doing some impressive (and probably worthless) stunts
Let's have a look at the Su-35s 4++ generation jet through a…
Analysis: Russian Air Strike in Syria Results in Turkish Casualties
A Russian Tactical Air Strike in Al-Bab, Syria Kills Three Turkish Soldiers:…
New MiG-35 “Fulcrum Foxtrot” Demonstrated For Putin and Foreign Market
MiG-35 Demo is Both Product Debut and Contrast of Russian and Western…
Six Russian Air Force Tu-22 bombers Fly Long Range Strike Against ISIS From Russia
Tu-22 Bombers Fly From Russia with Syrian-Based Fighter Escort to Hit ISIS…
9 Russian and 8 Turkish combat planes carry out the first joint air strike in Syria
The Turkish Air Force and the Russian Aerospace Forces have launched a…
Year 2016 in review through The Aviationist’s Top 5 articles
The five top stories of The Aviationist provide the readers the opportunity…