Tag: GPS

Ukrainian JDAM-ERs Will Be Equipped With Home-On GPS Jam Seekers

The upgrade is meant to counter the proliferation of Russian EW systems…

Let’s Have Another Look At The B-2’s Air Data Ports And Astroinertial Navigation System

The U.S. Air Force has just published some new close up shots…

DARPA And Northrop Grumman Working On Blackjack Network’s Payload To Reduce Impact Of GPS Jamming

Blackjack will create a cheaper, easier to upgrade and less vulnerable autonomous…

Do you notice anything weird in this cool shot of a MiG-29 rolling above Russian aircraft carrier?

That's a weird place to install a (handheld) GPS device. The image…

North Korean Military wages electronic war on South….Sort of!

Reports coming out of Seoul suggest that its reclusive neighbour North Korea…

Drones used as Proxies to get around ISP blocking and law enforcement: Predator's to add server payload?

Nearly in contemporary with the breaking news that a judge in New…