HH-3F crash caused by the fracture of a main rotor's blade
On Nov. 12, a first report about the HH-3F crash that costed the life of 8 POB (read also An Italian HH-3F crashes in France killing 8 POB & “Mammaiut”:…
Ryanair B737 crash lands in Ciampino after a birdstrike
On Nov. 10, at 07.56 LT, a Ryanair B737 serialled EI-DYG, flying from Frankfurt to Rome as FR4102 suffered a serious bird strike during the final approach to the RWY…
The Troupe Azzurra
"Troupe Azzurra" is the artistic name under which the team of photographers and video operators belonging to the CPA (Centro Produzione Audiovisivi) of the Aeronautica Militare (Italian Air Force, ItAF),…
Podcast: Airshows above the surface of the water
Podcast 1: Airshows above the surface of the water
Flight Line Internet Radio
I've recently started a contribution with FLIR, the Flight Line Internet Radio. I provide comments and articles dealing with the world of aviation that are aired by the first Internet-based…