Bentivoglio scrapyard
On August 07th I visited the famous Bentivoglio military surplus yard (, located at the Bufalotta, next to the GRA, in Rome, and I was given permission to wander in…
Information Warfare
Che l'Information Warfare sia entrato a far parte delle operazioni militari è ormai un dato di fatto. Come ebbi modo di scrivere descrivendo il servizio di controllo del traffico aereo…
Oceanic Airlines 815 crash site & Lost island location
As I wrote on a previous post, on June 1st 2007 I flew from Brisbane to Los Angeles on board QF175. After about 5 hours flying over the Pacific Ocean…
Flight Simulator(s)
An interesting easter egg was discovered in the last weeks by a student that found that by depressing CNTRL+ALT+A on the keyboard when using Google Earth, he was given access to an embedded flight simulator (once you…
Close encounters (snapshots from the Cold War)
As written in a previous post (Typhoon Block 5 and Cold War alert) on Aug. 17, 2007, Russia has begun 20 hours long strategic flights around the globe, like those carried…
Grosseto airbase
Grosseto airbase has changed a lot in the last 10 years. As described in my previous posts, today the airport it is the MOB of the ItAF Eurofighters (the Gioia…