BA038: B772 crash landing at Heathrow
On Jan 17th, a British Airways B777, BA038 crash landed at London Heathrow. DATE:18/01/08 SOURCE:Flight International Power loss caused BA 777 crash landing at Heathrow By David Learmount All 136…
Qantas safety record
I was trying to find out some new information dealing with the QF2 emergency discussed in my last post when I found this article on the Sydney Morning Herald website: Qantas…
Qantas electric failure(s)
Yesterday, I was reading one of my favourite aviation newsgroup. One of the posts pointed to the following article, published on the Sydney Morning Herald: Qantas jet failure outrage Edmund Tadros…
La turbolenza
Dopo aver brevemente discusso dell'Atmosfera nel precedente post, fornirò alcune nozioni relative alla turbolenza che, come detto, è al centro delle preoccupazioni di molti passeggeri di velivoli commerciali. Esistono diversi…
Le domande che più di frequente mi vengono rivolte da parenti e amici, persone che non essendo appassionate si interessano al volo solo in occasione di viaggi effettuati a bordo…
Night activity at Grosseto airbase
On Dec. 5th I went again to Grosseto to make take some long exposure shots during night activities (see also my previous post here). Typhoon MM7287 operating with the RSV…