US Coast Guard HC-130J attending Titanic ceremony diverted to rescue a sinking ship
On Apr. 14, 2012, a USCG HC-130J Super Hercules attending a Titanic 100th Anniversary ceremony with a commeration flight, was diverted to coordinate a rescue operation of a French sailing…
North Korea's drones, new ballistic missile on display during mass military parade in Pyongyang
On Apr. 15, 2012, a mass military parade was held in the Kim Il Sung Square in Pyongyang, North Korea, to celebrate 100 years since the birth of the late…
RAF’s E-3D AWACS fleet grounded by a mystery fault
Media outlets in the UK have today reported of a press release from the British Ministry of Defense according to which the RAF’s fleet of seven E-3D AWACS aircraft has…
New indigenous drone unveiled by Georgian President (and his 5-year old son)
The following photo dated Apr 10, and distributed by Georgian President Press Service on Apr. 11, 2012, shows Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili, right, and his 5-year old son Nikoloz at…
What is an American spyplane doing in Libya? An EP-3E spotted over Derna
Reportedly taken on Apr. 10, and brought to my attention by some of my Twitter followers, the following image shows what's in my opionion a U.S. EP-3E flying at high…
Impressive footage of U.S. F-4s dropping Napalm in Vietnam
Update Apr. 15, 2012 14.00 GMT The video mentioned in this article was made private by the user who uploaded it. Most probably, the fact that many people had complained…