Russia’s fifth generation PAK-FA prototype catches fire on landing
Russian T-50 fighter plane damaged on the ground. On Jun. 10, Russia’s 5th generation stealth fighter plane Sukhoi T-50 (PAK FA – Perspektivny Aviatsionny Kompleks Frontovoy Aviatsii—Future Tactical Air System)…
Selfie with Dreamliner: F-16 pilot takes self-portrait photo with Boeing 787 on his left wing
Another selfie taken by a Dutch F-16 pilot flying alongside the first Dutch Boeing 787-8. Here's an interesting series of selfies, taken by GoPro cameras, showing Arkefly airline's first 787-8, …
Video shows Iraqi Mi-35 gunships attack and destroy ISIS terrorists convoy
The Iraqi Army is using its new attack choppers to hunt terrorists around Samarra and Fallujah. The Iraqi Army operates around 40 Mi-35 gunship and Mi-28NE attack helicopters received from…
[Photos & Video] Two U.S. B-2 Stealth Bombers arrive at RAF Fairford, UK
Two B-2 stealth bombers have arrived to RAF Fairford where they will remain for a short-term deployment. Here are some more images. As already reported, on Jun. 8 two B-2…
Two B-2 Spirit stealth bombers have just arrived in UK for a quite unusual overseas deployment
Using radio callsigns "Death 11" and "Death 12" two B-2s from Whiteman Air Force Base have arrived at RAF Fairford for short and rare deployment. Even if the U.S. Air…
Operation Opera: how 8 Israeli F-16s destroyed an Iraqi nuclear plant 33 years ago today
33 years ago, one of the most famous and dangerous long range attack mission in Israeli Air Force history. Israeli Air Force's interest in the Lockheed Martin F-16 was born…