Latest F-104 News
"A special plane": air-to-air video of the special coloured F-104
Between 2003 and 2004, Piercarlo Ciacchi, a former F-104 pilot currently flying…
F-104 movie screenplay
Rocco Zaccardi, an F-104 enthusiast living in NY, wrote me a few…
F-104 profiles and artworks
Ugo Crisponi is a famous Italian illustrator who manages the AVIATIONGRAPHIC.COM, a…
F-104 air-to-air pictures by Katsuhiko Tokunaga
Many visitors of my site and photo gallery ask me questions about…
Air India 101 conspiracy theory
Thanks to Anand, a visitor of my site that manages the WordPress…
Italian F-104 versions explained
Following the requests I received from aircraft enthusiasts and modelers, I've decided…