Latest Aviation News
Cervia, 16-17.04.10 – Con la Diana sul Petto
"Con la Diana sul Petto" is the name of the event that…
The Macchi C.202 Folgore of the National Air and Space Museum
The picture shows the aircraft Macchi C.202 Folgore marked 9476 exhibited at…
Following the Ryanair diversion to Fiumicino by means of ADS-B
An increasing number of aircraft enthusiasts and spotters around the world have…
ItAF 87th Anniversary, Pratica di Mare, 26.03.10
"This is not the time to stand still. This is the time…
Flying to/from Maldives….barefoot
My friend Stefano Salemi, an amateur photoreporter, gave me the following pictures…
"Italian Starfighters": how to buy the ultimate F-104 book
Hardcover: 216 pages; Glossy Paper (gr. 170); Four-colour printing; Case bound cover…