Special Colored Polish F-16s attending NATO Tiger Meet in Norway

Six Polish F-16 Block 52+ planes left for Norway to take part in 52nd Tiger Meet.

NATO Tiger Meet is an annual exercise that gathers squadrons sporting Tiger (or feline) emblems.

The most peculiar feature of the meeting is the fact that the planes that attend it, (often) get painted in spectacular, flamboyant tiger outfits, making the event a treat for all aviation photographers.

This year’s NTM is to involve 76 aircraft, both rotary and fixed-wing ones. The Poznan-Krzesiny 6th Fighter Sqdn of the Polish Air Force joined the Tiger family 2 years ago, earlier possessing an observer status.

Out of the six Vipers taking part in the exercise, two have received a special paint-scheme that gives them tigerish looks. The design was an effect of a social media contest that was won by Mr. Oskar Gawłowski, whose paint scheme was put on the F-16s using a special purpose overlay.

This year’s Tiger Meet aims at integrating the air operations with the navy and special ops, says cpt. Bielewicz, Krzesiny AB press officer.

Joint ops that are within the NTM ’13 programme are CAS (Close Air Support), AI (Air Inderdiction) or SAR escort missions.

The F-16 with Tiger scheme is not only going to be a visitor of NTM, but it also is to make an appearance on Radom Air Show 2013 in August this year. The NTM is to end on Jun. 28.

According to the official NATO Tiger Association webpage, the 2013 edition will be attended by the following aircraft:

POL, 6th FS – 6x F-16
TUR, 192 FILO – 3x F-16
AUT, JTS            – 3x Saab 105OE
NLD, 313 SQN   – 5x F-16
NOR, 338 SQN  – 8x F-16
CH, STAFFEL 11  – 5x F/A-18
FRA, ECE 05/330 – 2x RAFALE
FRA, EC 1/7        – 5x RAFALE
CZE, 221 SQN     – 2x HIND
CZE, 211 SQN     – 4x JAS-39
ESP, 15 WING    – 5 EF-18
DEU, AG 51 “I”   – 6 TORNADO
BEL, 31 SQN        – 5x F-16
GRC, 335 MIRA – 4x F-16
NATO, SQN 1       – 2x E-3A
GBR, 78 SQN       – 2x MERLIN (Only week 2)
DEU, GFD              – 1 Lear Jet
USA, 121 ARW    – 2x KC-135R
NOR, 717 SQN     – 1x DA-20
NOR, 132 AW       – 6x F-16
DEU, JG 74           – 3x EUROFIGHTER (Jun. 19-24)

Jacek Siminski for TheAviationist

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About Jacek Siminski
Standing contributor for TheAviationist. Aviation photojournalist. Co-Founder of DefensePhoto.com. Expert in linguistics, Cold War discourse, Cold War history and policy and media communications.