Tag: Joint Strike Fighter

The end of an era

TodayH5396/10: Formation flying will take place Q) EGTT/QWVLW/IV/M/W/000/030/5250N00010W040 FORMATION TRANSIT BY 16…

The (un)certain future of the F-35B

Just a few days ago I wrote that, should Italy be forced…

F-35C first flight (and heat and noise concerns…)

On Jun. 6, 2010, piloted by Lockheed Martin Test Pilot Jeff Knowles',…

First F-35's STOVL propulsion system in-flight test video

The F-35B Lightning II short takeoff/vertical landing (STOVL) currently deployed at NAS…

F-35 JSF: not an open source platform

I've recently read with much interest a Reuters news dealing with the…

F-35B and F-35C

A few days ago I wrote a post about the F-35 Lightning…