Amazing helmet cam video brings you in the cockpit of a U.S. Air Force F-4 Phantom aircraft flying over Grand Canyon
Awesome footage from aboard one the last USAF F-4s, as it flies…
This Video Will Literally Bring You To The Paradise of Phantoms!
Here's an outstanding video from one of the world's last Phatom operators.…
Video: How the UK QRA responded to Soviet intruders at the times of the Phantom
Here's UK Quick Reaction Alert in the 1970s. UK's air defense was…
Photo shows Greek F-4 Phantom drop 12 bombs in Vietnam-style attack during Parmenion drills
If you thought modern combat planes use only a handful of Laser…
Raw footage from Yom Kippur War shows Israeli F-4 Phantom Shoot Down Egyptian MiG-17
An amazing footage from 41 years ago shows a dogfight between an…
Pilots explain how Navy’s F-4 Phantoms intercepted Soviet Bombers near U.S. aircraft carriers
Developed as interceptor to protect U.S. Navy's Carrier Battle Groups (CVBG), the…