Tag: F-22 Raptor

2025 National Defense Authorization Act To Stop Retirement Of Oldest F-22s and F-15Es

The NDAA draft aims to block for the foreseeable future the divestment…

F-22 Raptor Involved In A ‘Mishap’ At The Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport – Reports

The stealth aircraft was taking part in exercise Sentry Savannah when the…

F-22 Raptor Photographed With New Stealthy External Fuel Tanks

The new fuel tanks are part of a package of upgrades announced…

F-35 And F-22 Successfully Fly With Common Software During Innovation Test Project

The ability to use common software has implications in the ability to…

Next Generation Helmet Tested By F-22 Raptor Pilots

Raptor pilots are now testing a new type of flight helmet. The…