"Mammaiut": all the ItAF HH-3Fs grounded
"Mammaiut" is the historical motto of the Soccorso Aereo (SAR, Search And Rescue) of the Aeronautica Militare Italiana (Italian Air Force, ItAF). It is shouted by the personnel of the…
Virgin staff criticises safety standards on Facebook
In my opinion, Facebook is funny and useful. I use it often to keep me in touch with all of my relatives and friends, to share pictures and news even…
Contrails or chemtrails?
In the last years I watched the proliferation of pictures showing aircraft flying at high altitudes followed by the characteristic white trails (I discussed this thing in Italian in this…
An Italian HH-3F crashes in France killing 8 POB
On Oct. 23, at around 16.30LT (14.30 Zulu) an HH-3F belonging to the 84° CSAR (Centro SAR, SAR Center) based in Brindisi, crashed between Isle-en-Barrois and Vaubecourt, near Strasbourg, France,…
G.222, C-27A, C-27J and AC-27J Stinger updates
I had just finished to write an article dealing with the AC-27J Gunship Lite program, when I received a news article about the approval, granted by the Pentagon, for the…
AC-27J Gunship Lite
In a previous post (75.000 flight hours for the ItAF C-130J and first C-27J delivered to the US Army) I explained that two C-27J of the 98° Gruppo of the…