MQ-8C extended-endurance Fire Scout unmanned helicopter caught “on the road” in California
An MQ-8C Fire Scout was spotted on a trailer on I-405 Northbound at Newport Beach, California The MQ-8C Fire Scout is a Bell 407 helicopter modified with autonomous controls from…
Rare video of Marines AV-8B Harrier no nose gear vertical landing on amphibious assault ship
One of the few (if not the only) video showing a Harrier Jump Jet (nose) gear up landing on USS Bataan. Here's something you don't see every day. On Jun.…
Smoking Tires! F-16D Fighting Falcon (hard) touchdown at Konya
Turkish Air Force F-16D hard touchdown during Anatolian Eagle 2014-2 Top image shows a Turkish Air Force F-16D Block 40 of the 162 Filo landing on runway 01L at Konya…
NATO Tiger Meet 2014’s most fancy combat planes
NATO Tiger Meet is an annual exercise that gathers squadrons sporting Tiger (or feline) emblems. Planes that attend it, usually get painted in tiger outfits. As happened during 2014 edition…
Air-to-Air Images of Mig-29N Fulcrum and Su-30 Flanker jets….taken from U.S. Super Hornet
Mig-29N and Su-30 flying in formation with F/A-18E during PASSEX exercise in Malaysia. Cope Taufan 14, a biennial Large Employment Exercise which took place from Jun. 9 to 20 in…
Video clip shows A-7K Corsair jet’s strafing passes on Michigan Range in 1990
A-7K strafe and extremely low fly by in the rain at the Grayling Air Gunnery Range. Here's an interesting clip from the Grayling Air Gunnery Range in Michigan on a…