One Pilot Killed in Fifth U.S. Air Force T-38 Talon Crash In One Year.
One Pilot Confirmed Dead, One Hospitalized in Latest USAF Trainer Crash. One crew member is confirmed dead and another hospitalized in the fifth U.S. Air Force T-38 Talon two-seat, advanced…
SPOILER ALERT: Photos Surface of “Maverick” in High Altitude Pressure Suit (After Ejection?) on Set Of Top Gun Sequel
Does “Maverick” Eject From An SR-72 in “Top Gun: Maverick”? Interesting photos hit Hollywood social media via this morning showing actor Tom Cruise on the set of “Top Gun:…
The Royal Air Force Has Just Rolled Out Another Tornado GR4 In Special Color Scheme
The Royal Air Force has just unveiled another special-colored "Tonka" ahead of the retirement of the aircraft from active service in March 2019. Few days after the IX(B) Sqn unveiled…
Australian Military In A “Rebecca Black Situation” as Dislikes Mount over Memorial Video on YouTube
Three Times as Many Thumbs Down to “Wear My Medals on The Left” As Thumbs Up. On Nov. 6, 2018, the Australian War Memorial posted a music video on YouTube…
U.S. Navy F/A-18F From USS Ronald Reagan Crashes at Sea, Crewmen Rescued. Sixth U.S. Super Hornet crash in 2 years.
It's also the Second Crash for Reagan in One Month Following MH-60 Seahawk Crash Last Month. A two-seat U.S. Navy F/A-18F Super Hornet has crashed at sea while operating from…
Clouds with Drizzling Rain Prevented “Marine One” From Flying Trump To U.S. cemetery near Paris
Trump cancels visit to US cemetery in France because of bad weather. On Saturday Nov. 10, 2018, President Trump was scheduled to travel to Belleau Wood, 55 miles northeast of…